
Greek Elections: Alexis Tsipras sworn in as the new Greek Prime Minister

Atheist, Tie - less and nervous. Alexis Tsipras was sworn in earlier and made Greek history as the first Left wing Prime Minister in Greece. His road will be a long one as of tomorrow but with the first hurdle over with, the fourty year old Prime Minister is ready to fight.

Alexis Tsipras was sworn in as Greek Prime Minister at exactly 16:00. He is the first leader of the Left to be Greek Prime Minister.
He was evidently quite nervous. After all this wasn’t just any ordinary moment. This was a historic moment, not only for the Left and for Greece but also for Tsipras himself. Alexis Tsipras at the age of fourty becomes the youngest Greek Prime Minister since 1865.
Alexis Tsipras in his declaration to the Greek President Karolos Papoulias said “ I declare in my name, honour and conscience to uphold the Constitution and its laws”
He is the first Prime Minister to be sworn in under a civil ceremony and without a tie! He has after all quite adamantly declared that he won’t adorn a tie until Greece’s debt has been reduced! (Seeing Tsipras with a tie may be what every Greek will hope for as of today!)
Alexis Tsipras accepted congratulations from the Greek President and proceeded to inform him of the current political situation
“I would like to inform you that following the results of yesterday’s elections I met with Mr. Kammenos, who said he will support the new government. We have therefore achieved what the constitution requires and I hope that the current majority of 162 MPs can become greater. “
Mr. Papoulias replied: “I have nothing more to do other than to entrust you the mandate of forming a government, after I swear you in as Prime Minister .”
As Mr Tsipras left the office of the Greek President the two agreed on the need to step up procedures, because there is much to be done.
Earlier the atheist president of SYRIZA visited Archbishop Hieronymus, out of respect, to inform him of his decision not to be sworn under a religious oath. This decision does not concern the entire body of the newly elected government since there may be some who will want to be sworn in by the Archbishop.
Nevertheless Mr Tsipras’ religious beliefs, in the Greek Orthodox country, troubled some SYRIZA critics, since coupled with the fact he is an atheist he also has not married his partner and mother of his two children after a twenty year relationship.
Evidently this did not seem to bother the voters much in yesterday’s historic election process.



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