
Καρχαρίας πλησιάζει επικίνδυνα… ανυποψίαστο σέρφερ! Video

Τις εικόνες κατέγραψε με drone ο Μπλερ Ράνφορντ από την Αυστραλία. Ένας καρχαρίας πλησιάζει... επικίνδυνα έναν σέρφερ, ο οποίος "παλεύει" με τα κύματα, χωρίς να έχει πάρει χαμπάρι.

Ο Ράνφορντ ανέφερε πως ο σέρφερ εντυπωσιάστηκε όταν είδε το βίντεο, καθώς δεν είχε δει απολύτως τίποτα. Πρόσθεσε, μάλιστα, πως ο άνδρας δεν κινδύνευσε από τον καρχαρία, ο οποίος ήταν απλώς λίγο… περίεργος για τον σέρφερ!

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This is the reality for the vast majority of times that sharks and people meet in our oceans…mostly we never even realise they were there. This shark showed no interest in the surfer outside of a little curiosity, as to the strange creature in it’s habitat. Of course on rare occasions their interest takes a dangerous turn for people, but in truth those situations really are incredibly rare. There is so much we can do to help reduce an already small risk even further. From paying attention to the signs the ocean gives us, such as presence of baitschools, seals, even whales close to shore. Even the old myth of dolphins mean no sharks, is just that. Sharks and dolphins are often found together feeding on the same schools of fish…and of course sharks are more than capable of predating on dolphins. Shark Shield devices like @oceanguardian_sharkshield and even stripes and eyes on the bottom of your board, all can help deter a shark from taking curiosity further. And here in Australia we all have access to apps which can alert us to shark sightings and whale carcasses. We need to never lose sight of the fact that the ocean is a wild environment, no different to the plains of Africa and act accordingly. For the record this surfer never knew the shark was there, and I made them aware of it as soon as I could. #sharkyaerials #apexpredator #sharks #isurfidiveirespectsharks #southwestisbest #margaretriverregion #dji #phantom4 #healthyoceansneedsharks

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη SharkyAerials (@sharkyaerials) στις


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Κόσμος: Περισσότερα άρθρα
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