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12:06 | 05.05.20

Κοντόνιο: Η «κόκκινη ζώνη» της Ιταλίας σηκώνει ρολά (pics)

Κοντόνιο: Η «κόκκινη ζώνη» της Ιταλίας σηκώνει ρολά (pics)

Life in Italy's original 'red zones': Chemists wearing full protective gears serve a customer from behind a large table outside their shop as a way of social distancing in Codogno, the small northern town where Italy's first patient was diagnosed with the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on February 21, as the country begins a staged end to a nationwide lockdown, in this picture taken by schoolteacher Marzio Toniolo, May 4, 2020. Many owners in the town are not allowing customers inside their shops, and instead taking orders from outside to try and avoid contagion. Codogno residents had been on lockdown for over 10 weeks, as they were part of a small cluster of northern towns where cases and deaths immediately surged after the first patient was diagnosed. Picture taken May 4, 2020. Marzio Toniolo via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT

Newsit Newsroom

Έζησαν τον ορισμό του lockdown. Η πόλη Κοντόνιο της Ιταλίας, η πόλη στην οποία διαγνώθηκε ο ασθενής μηδέν με κορονοϊό στις 21 Φεβρουαρίου αρχίζει να ξαναζεί.

Οι κάτοικοι της πόλης ήταν σε lockdown για πάνω από 10 εβδομάδες και πλέον τα καταστήματα άνοιξαν και οι επιχειρηματίες άρχισαν να υποδέχονται δειλά – δειλά τους πρώτους πελάτες. Και τίποτα δεν είναι όπως παλιά στην μικρή πόλη των 16.000 κατοίκων.

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