
Κορονοϊός: Έρημα τα πιο εμβληματικά μνημεία της Ιταλίας

Ο κορονοϊός ερήμωσε τα πάντα πλέον στην Ιταλία μετά την χθεσινοβραδινή γενική απαγόρευση και η εικόνα είναι αποκαρδιωτική. 

Ακόμα και αν κάποιος δεν έχει επισκεφθεί την Ιταλία ξέρει την Φοντάνα Ντι Τρέβι, την Πιάτσα Ντ’ Εσπάνια, το Κολοσαίο αλλά και την Via Partenope τον πιο ιστορικό δρόμο της Νάπολης.

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Η Via Partenope στη Νάπολη

An almost empty Via Partenope is pictured, after a decree orders for the whole of Italy to be on lockdown in an unprecedented clampdown aimed at beating the coronavirus, in Naples, Italy, March 10, 2020. REUTERS

Η Piazza di Spagna στην Ρώμη

A police vehicle is pictured near the Rome's Spanish Steps, virtually deserted after a decree orders for the whole of Italy to be on lockdown in an unprecedented clampdown aimed at beating the coronavirus, in Rome, Italy, March 10, 2020. REUTERS

Η Fontana di Trevi

General view of the Rome's Spanish Steps, virtually deserted after a decree orders for the whole of Italy to be on lockdown in an unprecedented clampdown aimed at beating the coronavirus, in Rome, Italy, March 10, 2020. REUTERS

A woman jumps as she poses for a photo, next to the Trevi fountain, virtually deserted after a decree orders for the whole of Italy to be on lockdown in an unprecedented clampdown aimed at beating the coronavirus, in Rome, Italy, March 10, 2020. REUTERS

Το Duomo στο Μιλάνο

People are seen in Duomo square after a decree orders for the whole of Italy to be on lockdown in an unprecedented clampdown aimed at beating the coronavirus, in Milan, Italy, March 10, 2020. REUTERS

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